Building a collaborative network for spatial data

Social challenges, environmental issues, and economic downturns all take cooperation to solve.

Working together to map and document the earth helps create a structure for managing knowledge. Using geographic information system (GIS) solutions to create a spatial data infrastructure (SDI) ensures that data and resources are available to the organisations and stakeholders that need them.

Nations and communities of all sizes benefit from documented public works and utilities, protected environments and biodiversity, correctly assessed resources, and completed strategic planning.

Discover spatial data infrastructure solutions to provide that will help your organisation provide an institutionally sanctioned, automated means for posting, discovering, evaluating and exchanging geospatial information and allow users to:

  • Reduce time and redundancy of data production.
  • Enable easy search and discovery of existing geospatial data and services.
  • Maintain data integrity and security.

Facilitate collaborative problem solving across your organisation – download the brief today!

To find out more about spatial data infrastructure solutions, call +60 (3) 5022 0122 or email an Esri Malaysia specialist.

Download the industry brief

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